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Co-designing a theory-informed, multicomponent intervention to increase vaccine uptake with Congolese migrants: A qualitative, community-based participatory research study (LISOLO MALAMU).

Crawshaw, AF; Kitoko, LM; Nkembi, SL; Lutumba, LM; Hickey, C; Deal, A; Carter, J; Knights, F; Vandrevala, T; Forster, AS; et al. Crawshaw, AF; Kitoko, LM; Nkembi, SL; Lutumba, LM; Hickey, C; Deal, A; Carter, J; Knights, F; Vandrevala, T; Forster, AS; Hargreaves, S (2023) Co-designing a theory-informed, multicomponent intervention to increase vaccine uptake with Congolese migrants: A qualitative, community-based participatory research study (LISOLO MALAMU). Health Expect, 27 (1). e13884. ISSN 1369-7625
SGUL Authors: Crawshaw, Alison Fiona Hargreaves, Sally

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INTRODUCTION: Disparities in the uptake of routine and COVID-19 vaccinations have been observed in migrant populations, and attributed to issues of mistrust, access and low vaccine confidence. Participatory research approaches and behaviour change theory hold the potential for developing tailored vaccination interventions that address these complex barriers in partnership with communities and should be explored further. METHODS: This study used a theory-informed, community-based participatory research approach to co-design a culturally tailored behaviour change intervention aimed at increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Congolese migrants in London, United Kingdom (2021-2022). It was designed and led by a community-academic partnership in response to unmet needs in the Congolese community as the COVID-19 pandemic started. Barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination, information and communication preferences, and intervention suggestions were explored through qualitative in-depth interviews with Congolese migrants, thematically analysed, and mapped to the theoretical domains framework (TDF) and the capability, opportunity, motivation, behaviour model to identify target behaviours and strategies to include in interventions. Interventions were co-designed and tailored in workshops involving Congolese migrants. RESULTS: Thirty-two Congolese adult migrants (24 (75%) women, mean 14.3 (SD: 7.5) years in the United Kingdom, mean age 52.6 (SD: 11.0) years) took part in in-depth interviews and 16 (same sample) took part in co-design workshops. Fourteen barriers and 10 facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination were identified; most barrier data related to four TDF domains (beliefs about consequences; emotion; social influences and environmental context and resources), and the behavioural diagnosis concluded interventions should target improving psychological capability, reflective and automatic motivations and social opportunities. Strategies included culturally tailored behaviour change techniques based on education, persuasion, modelling, enablement and environmental restructuring, which resulted in a co-designed intervention comprising community-led workshops, plays and posters. Findings and interventions were disseminated through a community celebration event. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates how behavioural theory can be applied to co-designing tailored interventions with underserved migrant communities through a participatory research paradigm to address a range of health issues and inequalities. Future research should build on this empowering approach, with the goal of developing more sensitive vaccination services and interventions which respond to migrant communities' unique cultural needs and realities. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: Patient and public involvement (PPI) were embedded in the participatory study design and approach, with community members co-producing all stages of the study and co-authoring this paper. An independent PPI board (St George's Migrant Health Research Group Patient and Public Involvement Advisory Board) comprising five adult migrants with lived experience of accessing healthcare in the United Kingdom were also consulted at significant points over the course of the study.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © 2023 The Authors. Health Expectations published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Keywords: COVID-19 vaccines, behavioural psychology, community-based participatory research, health inequalities, intervention development, migrants, refugees, 1110 Nursing, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, 1701 Psychology, Public Health
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Infection and Immunity Research Institute (INII)
Journal or Publication Title: Health Expect
ISSN: 1369-7625
Language: eng
17 December 2023Published
13 October 2023Published Online
22 September 2023Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
Project IDFunderFunder ID
MR/N013638/1Medical Research Council
UNSPECIFIEDWorld Health Organization
SBF005\1111Academy of Medical Sciences
UNSPECIFIED'la Caixa' Foundation
UNSPECIFIEDNovo Nordisk UK Research Foundation
300072National Institute for Health and Care Research
PubMed ID: 37831054
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