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RNA therapy for oncogenic NRAS-driven naevi induces apoptosis.

Bryant, D; Barberan-Martin, S; Maeshima, R; Torres, IDV; Rabii, M; Baird, W; Sauvadet, A; Demetriou, C; Jones, P; Knöpfel, N; et al. Bryant, D; Barberan-Martin, S; Maeshima, R; Torres, IDV; Rabii, M; Baird, W; Sauvadet, A; Demetriou, C; Jones, P; Knöpfel, N; Michailidis, F; Riachi, M; Bennett, DC; Zecchin, D; Pittman, A; Polubothu, S; Hart, S; Kinsler, VA (2024) RNA therapy for oncogenic NRAS-driven naevi induces apoptosis. J Invest Dermatol. ISSN 1523-1747
SGUL Authors: Bennett, Dorothy Catherine Pittman, Alan Michael

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RAS proteins regulate cell division, differentiation and apoptosis via multiple downstream effector pathways. Oncogenic RAS variants are the commonest drivers in cancers, however they also drive many benign lesions predisposing to malignancy, such as melanocytic naevi, thyroid nodules, and colonic polyps. Reversal of these benign lesions could reduce cancer incidence, however the effects of oncogenic RAS have been notoriously difficult to target with downstream pathway inhibitors. Here we show effective suppression of oncogenic and currently undruggable NRASQ61K in primary cells from melanocytic naevi using siRNA targeted to the recurrent causal variant. This results in striking reduction in expression of ARL6IP1, a known inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis not previously linked to NRAS. We go on to show that a single dose of siRNA in primary cells triggers an apoptotic cascade, in contrast to treatment with a MEK inhibitor. Protective packaging of the targeted siRNA into lipid nanoparticles permits successful delivery into a humanised mouse model of melanocytic naevi, and results in variant NRAS knockdown in vivo. These data show that RAS-induced protection from apoptosis is involved in persistence of NRAS-driven melanocytic naevi and anticipate that targeted siRNA could form the basis of clinical trials for RAS-driven benign tumours.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. Under a Creative Commons license (
Keywords: melanocyte, nanoparticle, oncogene, siRNA, skin, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis, Dermatology & Venereal Diseases
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > REF 2021 user group
Journal or Publication Title: J Invest Dermatol
ISSN: 1523-1747
Language: eng
17 June 2024Published Online
16 April 2024Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
Project IDFunderFunder ID
NIHR300774National Institute for Health Research
PubMed ID: 38897541
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