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Comparison of clinical outcomes between active and permissive blood pressure management in extremely preterm infants.

Aladangady, N; Sinha, A; Banerjee, J; Asamoah, F; Mathew, A; Chisholm, P; Kempley, S; Morris, J (2023) Comparison of clinical outcomes between active and permissive blood pressure management in extremely preterm infants. NIHR Open Res, 3. p. 7. ISSN 2633-4402
SGUL Authors: Morris, Joan Katherine

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BACKGROUND: There remains uncertainty about the definition of normal blood pressure (BP), and when to initiate treatment for hypotension for extremely preterm infants. To determine the short-term outcomes of extremely preterm infants managed by active compared with permissive BP support regimens during the first 72 hours of life. METHOD: This is a retrospective medical records review of 23 +0-28 +6 weeks' gestational age (GA) infants admitted to neonatal units (NNU) with active BP support (aimed to maintain mean arterial BP (MABP) >30 mmHg irrespective of the GA) and permissive BP support (used medication only when babies developed signs of hypotension) regimens. Babies admitted after 12 hours of age, or whose BP data were not available were excluded. RESULTS: There were 764 infants admitted to the participating hospitals; 671 (88%) were included in the analysis (263 active BP support and 408 permissive BP support). The mean gestational age, birth weight, admission temperature, clinical risk index for babies (CRIB) score and first haemoglobin of infants were comparable between the groups. Active BP support group infants had consistently higher MABP and systolic BP throughout the first 72 hours of life (p<0.01). In the active group compared to the permissive group 56 (21.3%) vs 104 (25.5%) babies died, and 21 (8%) vs 51 (12.5%) developed >grade 2 intra ventricular haemorrhage (IVH). Death before discharge (adjusted OR 1.38 (0.88 - 2.16)) or IVH (1.38 (0.96 - 1.98)) was similar between the two groups. Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) ≥stage 2 was significantly higher in permissive BP support group infants (1.65 (1.07 - 2.50)). CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in mortality or IVH between the two BP management approaches. Active BP support may reduce NEC. This should be investigated prospectively in large multicentre randomised studies.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Copyright: © Crown copyright, 2023 Aladangady N et al.. This open access work is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 (
Keywords: Active BP support, Blood pressure, Hypotension, Permissive BP support, Preterm infants
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Population Health Research Institute (INPH)
Journal or Publication Title: NIHR Open Res
ISSN: 2633-4402
Language: eng
10 May 2023Published
2 May 2023Accepted
Publisher License: Open Government Licence 3.0
Project IDFunderFunder ID
PB-PG-0211-24147National Institute for Health Research
PubMed ID: 37881469
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