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Determining the OPTIMAL DTI analysis method for application in cerebral small vessel disease.

Egle, M; Hilal, S; Tuladhar, AM; Pirpamer, L; Bell, S; Hofer, E; Duering, M; Wason, J; Morris, RG; Dichgans, M; et al. Egle, M; Hilal, S; Tuladhar, AM; Pirpamer, L; Bell, S; Hofer, E; Duering, M; Wason, J; Morris, RG; Dichgans, M; Schmidt, R; Tozer, DJ; Barrick, TR; Chen, C; de Leeuw, F-E; Markus, HS (2022) Determining the OPTIMAL DTI analysis method for application in cerebral small vessel disease. Neuroimage Clin, 35. p. 103114. ISSN 2213-1582
SGUL Authors: Barrick, Thomas Richard

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BACKGROUND: DTI is sensitive to white matter (WM) microstructural damage and has been suggested as a surrogate marker for phase 2 clinical trials in cerebral small vessel disease (SVD). The study's objective is to establish the best way to analyse the diffusion-weighted imaging data in SVD for this purpose. The ideal method would be sensitive to change and predict dementia conversion, but also straightforward to implement and ideally automated. As part of the OPTIMAL collaboration, we evaluated five different DTI analysis strategies across six different cohorts with differing SVD severity. METHODS: Those 5 strategies were: (1) conventional mean diffusivity WM histogram measure (MD median), (2) a principal component-derived measure based on conventional WM histogram measures (PC1), (3) peak width skeletonized mean diffusivity (PSMD), (4) diffusion tensor image segmentation θ (DSEG θ) and (5) a WM measure of global network efficiency (Geff). The association between each measure and cognitive function was tested using a linear regression model adjusted by clinical markers. Changes in the imaging measures over time were determined. In three cohort studies, repeated imaging data together with data on incident dementia were available. The association between the baseline measure, change measure and incident dementia conversion was examined using Cox proportional-hazard regression or logistic regression models. Sample size estimates for a hypothetical clinical trial were furthermore computed for each DTI analysis strategy. RESULTS: There was a consistent cross-sectional association between the imaging measures and impaired cognitive function across all cohorts. All baseline measures predicted dementia conversion in severe SVD. In mild SVD, PC1, PSMD and Geff predicted dementia conversion. In MCI, all markers except Geff predicted dementia conversion. Baseline DTI was significantly different in patients converting to vascular dementia than to Alzheimer' s disease. Significant change in all measures was associated with dementia conversion in severe but not in mild SVD. The automatic and semi-automatic measures PSMD and DSEG θ required the lowest minimum sample sizes for a hypothetical clinical trial in single-centre sporadic SVD cohorts. CONCLUSION: DTI parameters obtained from all analysis methods predicted dementia, and there was no clear winner amongst the different analysis strategies. The fully automated analysis provided by PSMD offers advantages particularly for large datasets.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Keywords: Cognition, Dementia, Diffusion tensor imaging, Small vessel disease, Surrogate marker, 1109 Neurosciences
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Journal or Publication Title: Neuroimage Clin
ISSN: 2213-1582
Language: eng
28 July 2022Published
13 July 2022Published Online
10 July 2022Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
Project IDFunderFunder ID
ARUK-PG2016A-1Alzheimer’s Research UK
2015–02Stroke Association
146281National Institute for Health Research
RE/18/1/34212British Heart Foundation
RG/16/4/32218British Heart Foundation
A2018165FBrightFocus Foundation
R-608–000-342–213National Medical Research Council
R-608–000-311–114Ministry of EducationUNSPECIFIED
2014 T060Dutch Heart FoundationUNSPECIFIED
2016 T044Dutch Heart FoundationUNSPECIFIED
PubMed ID: 35908307
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