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Meeting the health needs of displaced people fleeing Ukraine: Drawing on existing technical guidance and evidence.

Kumar, BN; James, R; Hargreaves, S; Bozorgmehr, K; Mosca, D; Hosseinalipour, S-M; AlDeen, KN; Tatsi, C; Mussa, R; Veizis, A; et al. Kumar, BN; James, R; Hargreaves, S; Bozorgmehr, K; Mosca, D; Hosseinalipour, S-M; AlDeen, KN; Tatsi, C; Mussa, R; Veizis, A; Kállayová, D; Blanchet, K; Machado, RS; Orcutt, M; Severoni, S (2022) Meeting the health needs of displaced people fleeing Ukraine: Drawing on existing technical guidance and evidence. Lancet Reg Health Eur, 17. p. 100403. ISSN 2666-7762
SGUL Authors: Hargreaves, Sally

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The invasion of Ukraine has unleashed a humanitarian crisis and the impact is devastating for millions displaced in Ukraine and for those fleeing the country. Receiving countries in Europe are reeling with shock and disbelief and trying at the same time to grapple with the reality of providing for a large, unplanned, unprecedented number of refugees mainly women and children on the move. Several calls for actions, comments and statements express outrage, the risks, and the impending consequences to life and health. There is a need to constantly assess the situation on the ground, identify priorities for health and provide guidance regarding how these needs could be addressed. Therefore, the Lancet Migration European Regional Hub conducted rapid interviews with key informants to identify these needs, and in collaboration with the World Health Organization Health and Migration Programme, summarized how these could be addressed. This viewpoint provides a summary of the situation in receiving countries and the technical guidance required that could be useful for providing assistance in the current refugee crisis.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Keywords: Health Needs, Refugees, Technical Guidance, Ukraine
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Infection and Immunity Research Institute (INII)
Journal or Publication Title: Lancet Reg Health Eur
ISSN: 2666-7762
Language: eng
6 June 2022Published
7 May 2022Published Online
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
PubMed ID: 35721694
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