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MED27 variants cause Developmental Delay, Dystonia, and Cerebellar Hypoplasia

Meng, L; Isohanni, P; Shao, Y; Graham, BH; Hickey, SE; Brooks, S; Suomalainen, A; Joset, P; Steindl, K; Rauch, A; et al. Meng, L; Isohanni, P; Shao, Y; Graham, BH; Hickey, SE; Brooks, S; Suomalainen, A; Joset, P; Steindl, K; Rauch, A; Hackenberg, A; High, FA; Armstrong-Javors, A; Mencacci, NE; Gonzàlez-Latapi, P; Kamel, WA; Al-Hashel, JY; Bustos, BI; Hernandez, AV; Krainc, D; Lubbe, SJ; Van Esch, H; De Luca, C; Ballon, K; Ravelli, C; Burglen, L; Qebibo, L; Calame, DG; Mitani, T; Marafi, D; Pehlivan, D; Saadi, NW; Sahin, Y; Maroofian, R; Efthymiou, S; Houlden, H; Maqbool, S; Rahman, F; Gu, S; Posey, JE; Lupski, JR; Hunter, JV; Wangler, MF; Carroll, CJ; Yang, Y (2021) MED27 variants cause Developmental Delay, Dystonia, and Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Ann Neurol, 89 (4). pp. 828-833. ISSN 1531-8249
SGUL Authors: Carroll, Christopher John

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The Mediator multiprotein complex functions as a regulator of RNA polymerase II-catalyzed gene transcription. In this study, exome sequencing (ES) detected biallelic putative disease-causing variants in MED27, encoding Mediator Complex Subunit 27, in sixteen patients from eleven families with a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome. Patient phenotypes are highly homogeneous including global developmental delay, intellectual disability, axial hypotonia with distal spasticity, dystonic movements, and cerebellar hypoplasia. Seizures and cataracts were noted in severely affected individuals. Identification of multiple patients with biallelic MED27 variants supports the critical role of MED27 in normal human neural development, particularly for the cerebellum. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Meng, L., Isohanni, P., Shao, Y., Graham, B.H., Hickey, S.E., Brooks, S., Suomalainen, A., Joset, P., Steindl, K., Rauch, A., Hackenberg, A., High, F.A., Armstrong‐Javors, A., Mencacci, N.E., Gonzàlez‐Latapi, P., Kamel, W.A., Al‐Hashel, J.Y., Bustos, B.I., Hernandez, A.V., Krainc, D., Lubbe, S.J., Van Esch, H., De Luca, C., Ballon, K., Ravelli, C., Burglen, L., Qebibo, L., Calame, D.G., Mitani, T., Marafi, D., Pehlivan, D., Saadi, N.W., Sahin, Y., Maroofian, R., Efthymiou, S., Houlden, H., Maqbool, S., Rahman, F., Gu, S., Posey, J.E., Lupski, J.R., Hunter, J.V., Wangler, M.F., Carroll, C.J. and Yang, Y. (2021), MED27 Variants Cause Developmental Delay, Dystonia, and Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Ann Neurol, 89: 828-833, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Keywords: MED27, neurodevelopmental syndrome, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1109 Neurosciences, Neurology & Neurosurgery
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Journal or Publication Title: Ann Neurol
ISSN: 1531-8249
Language: eng
16 March 2021Published
8 February 2021Published Online
11 January 2021Accepted
Publisher License: Publisher's own licence
Project IDFunderFunder ID
UM1 HG006542National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
R35NS105078National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
512848Muscular Dystrophy Association
T32 GM007526-42National Institutes of Health
#3701‐1International Rett Syndrome Foundation
K08 HG008986National Human Genome Research Institute
PubMed ID: 33443317
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