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The Effect of Ethnicity on Left Ventricular Adaptation to Exercise.

Basu, J; Finocchiaro, G; Miles, C; Parry-Williams, G; MacLachlan, H; Tome, M; Sharma, S; Papadakis, M (2023) The Effect of Ethnicity on Left Ventricular Adaptation to Exercise. Eur J Prev Cardiol, 30 (16). e69-e71. ISSN 2047-4881
SGUL Authors: Sharma, Sanjay Tome, Maria Teresa

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Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology following peer review. The version of record Joyee Basu, BMBCh, MA, PhD, Gherardo Finocchiaro, MD, PhD, Christopher Miles, BSc, MBChB, PhD, Gemma Parry-Williams, MBChB, Hamish MacLachlan, MBChB, MSc, Maite Tome, MD, PhD, Sanjay Sharma, BSc, MBChB, MD, Michael Papadakis, MBBS, MD, The Effect of Ethnicity on Left Ventricular Adaptation to Exercise, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 2023;, zwad126 is available online at:
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Journal or Publication Title: Eur J Prev Cardiol
ISSN: 2047-4881
Language: eng
November 2023Published
22 April 2023Published Online
20 April 2023Accepted
Publisher License: Publisher's own licence
PubMed ID: 37086472
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