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The significance of meeting Dawes-Redman criteria in computerised antenatal fetal heart rate assessment.

Bhide, A; Meroni, A; Frick, A; Thilaganathan, B (2023) The significance of meeting Dawes-Redman criteria in computerised antenatal fetal heart rate assessment. BJOG, 131 (2). pp. 207-212. ISSN 1471-0528
SGUL Authors: Thilaganathan, Baskaran

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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the significance of not meeting Dawes-Redman criteria on computerised cardiotocography in high-risk pregnancies. DESIGN: Retrospective observational study. SETTING: UK university hospital. POPULATION: High-risk pregnancies undergoing antenatal assessment. METHODS: We interrogated the database for records of computerised fetal heart rate assessment and pregnancy outcomes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Neonatal outcome and stillbirths. RESULTS: Excluding duplicate assessment in the same pregnancy, 14 025 records with complete information on the criteria of normality having been met and the outcome of the pregnancy were available. Criteria were not met for 907 records (6.46%). The gestational age of assessment was lower in the group not meeting criteria of normality. Overall, 32 stillbirths occurred in normally formed fetuses (2.28/1000). Stillbirths were more frequent in the group not meeting criteria (odds ratio [OR] 8.78, 95% CI 4.28-18.02). This finding persisted even after records with abnormally low short-term variation (STV) were excluded. The confidence intervals around the rate of stillbirth in the two groups overlapped beyond an STV of 8 ms. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 1:16 pregnancies do not meet the criteria of normality. The criteria are not met more often at preterm gestation than at term. The risk of stillbirth was higher in the group not meeting criteria of normality, even if cases with low STV are excluded. Cases not meeting criteria should be followed up closely, unless the STV is ≥8 ms. Stillbirths still occurred in the group meeting criteria, but the rate was lower than in the general population.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © 2023 The Authors. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Keywords: antenatal fetal assessment, computerised cardiotocography, stillbirth, 11 Medical and Health Sciences, Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Journal or Publication Title: BJOG
ISSN: 1471-0528
Language: eng
7 December 2023Published
11 April 2023Published Online
13 March 2023Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
PubMed ID: 37039242
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