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Future-proofing and maximizing the utility of metadata: The PHA4GE SARS-CoV-2 contextual data specification package.

Griffiths, EJ; Timme, RE; Mendes, CI; Page, AJ; Alikhan, N-F; Fornika, D; Maguire, F; Campos, J; Park, D; Olawoye, IB; et al. Griffiths, EJ; Timme, RE; Mendes, CI; Page, AJ; Alikhan, N-F; Fornika, D; Maguire, F; Campos, J; Park, D; Olawoye, IB; Oluniyi, PE; Anderson, D; Christoffels, A; da Silva, AG; Cameron, R; Dooley, D; Katz, LS; Black, A; Karsch-Mizrachi, I; Barrett, T; Johnston, A; Connor, TR; Nicholls, SM; Witney, AA; Tyson, GH; Tausch, SH; Raphenya, AR; Alcock, B; Aanensen, DM; Hodcroft, E; Hsiao, WWL; Vasconcelos, ATR; MacCannell, DR (2022) Future-proofing and maximizing the utility of metadata: The PHA4GE SARS-CoV-2 contextual data specification package. Gigascience, 11. ISSN 2047-217X
SGUL Authors: Witney, Adam Austin

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BACKGROUND: The Public Health Alliance for Genomic Epidemiology (PHA4GE) ( is a global coalition that is actively working to establish consensus standards, document and share best practices, improve the availability of critical bioinformatics tools and resources, and advocate for greater openness, interoperability, accessibility, and reproducibility in public health microbial bioinformatics. In the face of the current pandemic, PHA4GE has identified a need for a fit-for-purpose, open-source SARS-CoV-2 contextual data standard. RESULTS: As such, we have developed a SARS-CoV-2 contextual data specification package based on harmonizable, publicly available community standards. The specification can be implemented via a collection template, as well as an array of protocols and tools to support both the harmonization and submission of sequence data and contextual information to public biorepositories. CONCLUSIONS: Well-structured, rich contextual data add value, promote reuse, and enable aggregation and integration of disparate datasets. Adoption of the proposed standard and practices will better enable interoperability between datasets and systems, improve the consistency and utility of generated data, and ultimately facilitate novel insights and discoveries in SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. The package is now supported by the NCBI's BioSample database.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press GigaScience. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, bioinformatics, data standards, genomics, metadata
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Infection and Immunity Research Institute (INII)
Journal or Publication Title: Gigascience
ISSN: 2047-217X
Language: eng
16 February 2022Published Online
7 January 2022Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
Project IDFunderFunder ID
UNSPECIFIEDBill and Melinda Gates Foundation
BB/CCG1860/1Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
UNSPECIFIEDU.S. National Library of MedicineUNSPECIFIED
BB/R012504/1Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
BBS/E/F/000PR10352Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
SFRH/BD/129483/2017Fundação para e Ciência e TecnologiaUNSPECIFIED
PubMed ID: 35169842
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