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Electronic application to improve management of infections in low-income neonatal units: pilot implementation of the NeoTree beta app in a public sector hospital in Zimbabwe.

Gannon, H; Chimhuya, S; Chimhini, G; Neal, SR; Shaw, LP; Crehan, C; Hull-Bailey, T; Ferrand, RA; Klein, N; Sharland, M; et al. Gannon, H; Chimhuya, S; Chimhini, G; Neal, SR; Shaw, LP; Crehan, C; Hull-Bailey, T; Ferrand, RA; Klein, N; Sharland, M; Cortina Borja, M; Robertson, V; Heys, M; Fitzgerald, FC (2021) Electronic application to improve management of infections in low-income neonatal units: pilot implementation of the NeoTree beta app in a public sector hospital in Zimbabwe. BMJ Open Qual, 10 (1). e001043. ISSN 2399-6641
SGUL Authors: Sharland, Michael Roy

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There are 2. 4 million annual neonatal deaths worldwide. Simple, evidence-based interventions such as temperature control could prevent approximately two-thirds of these deaths. However, key problems in implementing these interventions are a lack of newborn-trained healthcare workers and a lack of data collection systems. NeoTree is a digital platform aiming to improve newborn care in low-resource settings through real-time data capture and feedback alongside education and data linkage. This project demonstrates proof of concept of the NeoTree as a real-time data capture tool replacing handwritten clinical paper notes over a 9-month period in a tertiary neonatal unit at Harare Central Hospital, Zimbabwe. We aimed to deliver robust data for monthly mortality and morbidity meetings and to improve turnaround time for blood culture results among other quality improvement indicators. There were 3222 admissions and discharges entered using the NeoTree software with 41 junior doctors and 9 laboratory staff trained over the 9-month period. The NeoTree app was fully integrated into the department for all admission and discharge documentation and the monthly presentations became routine, informing local practice. An essential factor for this success was local buy-in and ownership at each stage of the project development, as was monthly data analysis and presentations allowing us to rapidly troubleshoot emerging issues. However, the laboratory arm of the project was negatively affected by nationwide economic upheaval. Our successes and challenges piloting this digital tool have provided key insights for effective future roll-out in Zimbabwe and other low-income healthcare settings.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial. See:
Keywords: electronic health records, global health, healthcare quality improvement, paediatrics
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Infection and Immunity Research Institute (INII)
Journal or Publication Title: BMJ Open Qual
ISSN: 2399-6641
Language: eng
20 January 2021Published
10 January 2021Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0
Project IDFunderFunder ID
SRG 2018 02 004Healthcare Infection Society
PubMed ID: 33472853
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