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Association of British Clinical Diabetologists and Renal Association guidelines on the detection and management of diabetes post solid organ transplantation

Chowdhury, TA; Wahba, M; Mallik, R; Peracha, J; Patel, D; De, P; Fogarty, D; Frankel, A; Karalliedde, J; Mark, PB; et al. Chowdhury, TA; Wahba, M; Mallik, R; Peracha, J; Patel, D; De, P; Fogarty, D; Frankel, A; Karalliedde, J; Mark, PB; Montero, RM; Pokrajac, A; Zac Varghese, S; Bain, SC; Dasgupta, I; Banerjee, D; Winocour, P; Sharif, A (2021) Association of British Clinical Diabetologists and Renal Association guidelines on the detection and management of diabetes post solid organ transplantation. Diabet Med, 38 (6). e14523. ISSN 1464-5491
SGUL Authors: Banerjee, Debasish

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Post-transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) is common after solid organ transplantation (SOT) and associated with increased morbidity and mortality for allograft recipients. Despite the significant burden of disease, there is a paucity of literature with regards to detection, prevention and management. Evidence from the general population with diabetes may not be translatable to the unique context of SOT. In light of emerging clinical evidence and novel anti-diabetic agents, there is an urgent need for updated guidance and recommendations in this high-risk cohort. The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) and Renal Association (RA) Diabetic Kidney Disease Clinical Speciality Group have undertaken a systematic review and critical appraisal of the available evidence. Areas of focus are; 1) Epidemiology, 2) Pathogenesis, 3) Detection, 4) Management, 5) Modification of immunosuppression, 6) Prevention, and 7) PTDM in the non-renal setting. Evidence-graded recommendations are provided for the detection, management, and prevention of PTDM, with suggested areas for future research and potential audit standards. The guidelines are endorsed by Diabetes UK, the British Transplantation Society and the Royal College of Physicians of London. The full guidelines are available freely online for the diabetes, renal and transplantation community using the link below. The aim of this review article is to introduce an abridged version of this new clinical guideline.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Please see the published version for further information not contained in this accepted version. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Chowdhury, T.A., Wahba, M., Mallik, R., Peracha, J., Patel, D., De, P., Fogarty, D., Frankel, A., Karalliedde, J., Mark, P.B., Montero, R.M., Pokrajac, A., Zac‐Varghese, S., Bain, S.C., Dasgupta, I., Banerjee, D., Winocour, P. and Sharif, A. (2021), Association of British Clinical Diabetologists and Renal Association guidelines on the detection and management of diabetes post solid organ transplantation. Diabet Med, 38: e14523, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Keywords: 1103 Clinical Sciences, Endocrinology & Metabolism
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Journal or Publication Title: Diabet Med
ISSN: 1464-5491
Language: eng
15 May 2021Published
11 February 2021Published Online
9 January 2021Accepted
Publisher License: Publisher's own licence
PubMed ID: 33434362
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