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Systematic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Screening at Hospital Admission in Children: A French Prospective Multicenter Study

Poline, J; Gaschignard, J; Leblanc, C; Madhi, F; Foucaud, E; Nattes, E; Faye, A; Bonacorsi, S; Mariani, P; Varon, E; et al. Poline, J; Gaschignard, J; Leblanc, C; Madhi, F; Foucaud, E; Nattes, E; Faye, A; Bonacorsi, S; Mariani, P; Varon, E; Smati-Lafarge, M; Caseris, M; Basmaci, R; Lachaume, N; Ouldali, N (2021) Systematic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Screening at Hospital Admission in Children: A French Prospective Multicenter Study. Clin Infect Dis, 72 (12). pp. 2215-2217. ISSN 1537-6591
SGUL Authors: Basmaci, Romain

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To assess the relevance of systematic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) screening of all children admitted to hospital, we conducted a prospective multicenter study including 438 consecutive hospitalized children. A symptom-based SARS-CoV-2 testing strategy failed to identify 45% (95% confidence interval, 24%–68%) of hospitalized children infected by SARS-CoV-2. To limit intrahospital transmission, a systematic screening of children admitted to hospital should be considered.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Clinical Infectious Diseases following peer review. The version of record Julie Poline, Jean Gaschignard, Claire Leblanc, Fouad Madhi, Elsa Foucaud, Elodie Nattes, Albert Faye, Stéphane Bonacorsi, Patricia Mariani, Emmanuelle Varon, Mounira Smati-Lafarge, Marion Caseris, Romain Basmaci, Noémie Lachaume, Naïm Ouldali, Systematic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Screening at Hospital Admission in Children: A French Prospective Multicenter Study, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 72, Issue 12, 15 June 2021, Pages 2215–2217 is available online at:
Keywords: Microbiology, 06 Biological Sciences, 11 Medical and Health Sciences
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Infection and Immunity Research Institute (INII)
Journal or Publication Title: Clin Infect Dis
ISSN: 1537-6591
Language: eng
15 June 2021Published
25 July 2020Published Online
20 July 2020Accepted
Publisher License: Publisher's own licence
PubMed ID: 32710743
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