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The TRUFFLE study; fetal monitoring indications for delivery in 310 IUGR infants with 2 year's outcome delivered before 32 weeks of gestation.

Visser, GHA; Bilardo, CM; Derks, JB; Ferrazzi, E; Fratelli, N; Frusca, T; Ganzevoort, W; Lees, C; Napolitano, R; Todros, T; et al. Visser, GHA; Bilardo, CM; Derks, JB; Ferrazzi, E; Fratelli, N; Frusca, T; Ganzevoort, W; Lees, C; Napolitano, R; Todros, T; Wolf, H; Hecher, K; TRUFFLE group investigators; Marlow, N; Arabin, B; Brezinka, C; Diemert, A; Duvekot, JJ; Martinelli, P; Ostermayer, E; Papageorghiou, AT; Schlembach, D; Schneider, K; Thilaganathan, B; Valcamonico, A (2017) The TRUFFLE study; fetal monitoring indications for delivery in 310 IUGR infants with 2 year's outcome delivered before 32 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 50 (3). pp. 347-352. ISSN 1469-0705
SGUL Authors: Thilaganathan, Baskaran

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OBJECTIVE: In the TRUFFLE study on outcome of early fetal growth restriction women were allocated to three timing of delivery plans according to antenatal monitoring strategies based on reduced computerized cardiotocographic heart rate short term variation (c-CTG STV) , early Ductus Venosus (DV p95) or late DV (DV noA) changes. However, many infants were per protocol delivered because of 'safety net' criteria, or for maternal indications, or 'other fetal indications' or after 32 weeks of gestation when the protocol was not applied anymore. It was the objective of the present post-hoc sub-analysis to investigate the indications for delivery in relation to outcome at 2 years in infants delivered before 32 weeks, to come to a further refinement of management proposals. METHODS: we included all 310 cases of the TRUFFLE study with known outcome at 2 years corrected age and 7 perinatal and infant deaths, apart from 7 cases with an inevitable death. Data were analyzed according to the randomization allocation and specified for the intervention indication. RESULTS: overall only 32% of fetuses born alive were delivered according to the specified monitoring parameter for indication for delivery. 38% were delivered because of safety net criteria, 15% because of other fetal reasons and 15% because of maternal reasons. In the c-CTG arm 51% of infants were delivered because of reduced STV. In the DV p95 arm 34% were delivered because of an abnormal DV and in the DV no A wave arm only 10% of cases were delivered accordingly. The majority of fetuses in the DV arms delivered for safety net criteria were delivered because of spontaneous decelerations. Two year's intact survival was highest in the combined DV arms as compared to the c-CTG arm (p = 0.05 when life born, p = 0.21 including fetal death), with no difference between the DV arms. Poorer outcome in the c-CTG arm was restricted to fetuses delivered because of decelerations in the safety net subgroup. Infants delivered because of maternal reasons had the highest birth weight and a non-significant higher intact survival. CONCLUSIONS: In this sub-analysis of fetuses delivered before 32 weeks the majority of infants were delivered for other reasons than according to the allocated CTG or DV monitoring strategy. Since in the DV arms CTG criteria were used as safety net criteria, but in the c-CTG arms no DV safety net criteria were applied, we speculate that the slightly poorer outcome in the CTG arm might be explained by absence of DV data. Optimal timing of delivery of the early IUGR fetus may therefore best be achieved by monitoring them longitudinally with DV and CTG monitoring.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Visser, G. H. A., Bilardo, C. M., Derks, J. B., Ferrazzi, E., Fratelli, N., Frusca, T., Ganzevoort, W., Lees, C. C., Napolitano, R., Todros, T., Wolf, H., Hecher, K., TRUFFLE group investigators, Marlow, N., Arabin, B., Brezinka, C., Diemert, A., Duvekot, J. J., Martinelli, P., Ostermayer, E., Papageorghiou, A. T., Schlembach, D., Schneider, K. T. M., Thilaganathan, B. and Valcamonico, A. (2017), Fetal monitoring indications for delivery and 2-year outcome in 310 infants with fetal growth restriction delivered before 32 weeks' gestation in the TRUFFLE study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 50: 347–352., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Keywords: cardiotocography, ductus venosus, fetal growth restriction, fetal heart rate variation, preterm delivery, cardiotocography, ductus venosus, fetal growth restriction, fetal heart rate variation, preterm delivery, Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine, 1114 Paediatrics And Reproductive Medicine
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS) > Vascular (INCCVA)
Journal or Publication Title: Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology
ISSN: 1469-0705
Language: ENG
5 September 2017Published
11 November 2016Published Online
8 November 2016Accepted
Publisher License: Publisher's own licence
PubMed ID: 27854382
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