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Brain-Machine Interfaces: The Role of the Neurosurgeon.

Chari, A; Budhdeo, S; Sparks, R; Barone, DG; Marcus, HJ; Pereira, EAC; Tisdall, MM (2021) Brain-Machine Interfaces: The Role of the Neurosurgeon. World Neurosurg, 146. pp. 140-147. ISSN 1878-8769
SGUL Authors: Pereira, Erlick Abilio Coelho

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Neurotechnology is set to expand rapidly in the coming years as technological innovations in hardware and software are translated to the clinical setting. Given our unique access to patients with neurologic disorders, expertise with which to guide appropriate treatments, and technical skills to implant brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), neurosurgeons have a key role to play in the progress of this field. We outline the current state and key challenges in this rapidly advancing field, including implant technology, implant recipients, implantation methodology, implant function, and ethical, regulatory, and economic considerations. Our key message is to encourage the neurosurgical community to proactively engage in collaborating with other health care professionals, engineers, scientists, ethicists, and regulators in tackling these issues. By doing so, we will equip ourselves with the skills and expertise to drive the field forward and avoid being mere technicians in an industry driven by those around us.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: © 2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
Keywords: Bioethics, Brain–computer interface, Brain–machine interface, Microelectrode, Neuroprostheses, Neurotechnology, Bioethics, Brain–computer interface, Brain–machine interface, Microelectrode, Neuroprostheses, Neurotechnology
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute (MCS)
Journal or Publication Title: World Neurosurg
ISSN: 1878-8769
Language: eng
February 2021Published
13 November 2020Published Online
5 November 2020Accepted
Publisher License: Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
PubMed ID: 33197630
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