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Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: the ELAPSE project.

Liu, S; Jørgensen, JT; Ljungman, P; Pershagen, G; Bellander, T; Leander, K; Magnusson, PKE; Rizzuto, D; Hvidtfeldt, UA; Raaschou-Nielsen, O; et al. Liu, S; Jørgensen, JT; Ljungman, P; Pershagen, G; Bellander, T; Leander, K; Magnusson, PKE; Rizzuto, D; Hvidtfeldt, UA; Raaschou-Nielsen, O; Wolf, K; Hoffmann, B; Brunekreef, B; Strak, M; Chen, J; Mehta, A; Atkinson, RW; Bauwelinck, M; Varraso, R; Boutron-Ruault, M-C; Brandt, J; Cesaroni, G; Forastiere, F; Fecht, D; Gulliver, J; Hertel, O; de Hoogh, K; Janssen, NAH; Katsouyanni, K; Ketzel, M; Klompmaker, JO; Nagel, G; Oftedal, B; Peters, A; Tjønneland, A; Rodopoulou, SP; Samoli, E; Kristoffersen, DT; Sigsgaard, T; Stafoggia, M; Vienneau, D; Weinmayr, G; Hoek, G; Andersen, ZJ (2021) Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: the ELAPSE project. Eur Respir J, 57 (6). p. 2003099. ISSN 1399-3003
SGUL Authors: Atkinson, Richard William

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BACKGROUND: Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution has been linked to childhood-onset asthma, while evidence is still insufficient. Within the multicentre project "Effects of Low-Level Air Pollution: A Study in Europe" (ELAPSE), we examined the associations of long-term exposures to particulate matter with diameter<2.5 µm (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and black carbon (BC) with asthma incidence in adults. METHODS: We pooled data from three cohorts in Denmark and Sweden with information on asthma hospital diagnoses. The average concentrations of air pollutants in 2010 were modelled by hybrid land use regression models at participants' baseline residential addresses. Associations of air pollution exposures with asthma incidence were explored with Cox proportional hazard models, adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Of 98 326 participants, 1965 developed asthma during a 16.6 years mean follow-up. We observed associations in fully adjusted models with hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals of 1.22 (1.04-1.43) per 5 μg·m-3 for PM2.5, 1.17 (1.10-1.25) per 10 µg·m-3 for NO2, and 1.15 (1.08-1.23) per 0.5 10-5 m-1 for BC. Hazard ratios were larger in cohort subsets with exposure levels below the EU and US limit values and possibly WHO guidelines for PM2.5 and NO2. NO2 and BC estimates remained unchanged in two-pollutant models with PM2.5, whereas PM2.5 estimates were attenuated to unity. The concentration response curves showed no evidence of a threshold. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term exposure to air pollution, especially from fossil fuel combustion sources such as motorised traffic, was associated with adult-onset asthma, even at levels below the current limit values.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is an author-submitted, peer-reviewed version of a manuscript that has been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal, prior to copy-editing, formatting and typesetting. This version of the manuscript may not be duplicated or reproduced without prior permission from the European Respiratory Society. The publisher is not responsible or liable for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or in any version derived from it by any other parties. The final, copy-edited, published article, which is the version of record, is available without a subscription 18 months after the date of issue publication.
Keywords: 11 Medical and Health Sciences, Respiratory System
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Population Health Research Institute (INPH)
Journal or Publication Title: Eur Respir J
ISSN: 1399-3003
Language: eng
4 June 2021Published
10 December 2020Published Online
17 November 2020Accepted
Publisher License: Publisher's own licence
Project IDFunderFunder ID
4954-RFA14-3/16-5-3Health Effects Institute
201806010406China Scholarship Council
2017-00641Swedish Research Council Formas
PubMed ID: 33303534
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