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Use of the phoenix system for bacteriology.

Perry, J; Mitchison, DA; Darrell, JH (1983) Use of the phoenix system for bacteriology. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, 36 (1). 104 - 109 (6). ISSN 0021-9746
SGUL Authors: Mitchison, Denis Anthony

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A dedicated microbiology data processing system with remote batched job entry to an obsolete computer, has been superseded by the inclusion of bacteriology in an on-line interactive clinical pathology system which had previously incorporated chemical pathology and haematology. The original Phoenix system has been adapted to allow for the entry of bacteriology data using mnemonic codes and to deal with the problems caused by the longer processing time of bacteriology specimens. Particular advantages of the new system include the immediate linkage of all specimens for each patient and an easy recall and display of results in the laboratories and on the wards.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: PubMed ID: 6822673
Keywords: Bacteriology, Computers, Humans, Laboratories, London, Medical Records, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Pathology
SGUL Research Institute / Research Centre: Academic Structure > Infection and Immunity Research Institute (INII)
Journal or Publication Title: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY
ISSN: 0021-9746
Related URLs:
1 January 1983Published
Web of Science ID: WOS:A1983PY70900021
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